sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014


What are important similarities between the stories? They all talk about a god, a flood, and a man that was like the chosen one and got saved from the flood.

What are important differences between the stories? They are about different religions; therefore they talk about different gods, the causes of the flood are the same on two, but on the other two are different.

What are the gods like in the different stories? In two stories they were evil because the try to destroy humanity by just saying humans were evil, in the others they seemed nice because they helped the chosen one.

What is the importance of animals in the stories? Very important because they were supposed to survive with the chosen man so after the flood they could make the world just like it was before.

What was difficult to understand about the stories? The most difficult thing was the reading comprehension because of the English is written on, also the reason why the gods caused the floods.

Why do Utnapishtim, Noah, Deucalion, and Manu deserve to survive when other people will die in the floods? I think because they were man that had a good, honest and healthy life, and they believed in god.

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