viernes, 31 de enero de 2014


Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of big standing stones set within earthworks. It was made between 2950 and 1600 B.C. in Sothern England. This was made so perfectly and with a high level of complexity that people started questioning how it was made and why. First of all, the stones that were used to make the Stonehenge weren’t from that place, they were brought from Wales, which is 130 miles away, and bringing the heavy stones must have been a really hard work. I think the most acceptable theory is that they came with the ocean stream all the way to England, then with the rivers stream they got closer and finally men took them to the place they wanted to. I think that they moved the heavy stones by lots of men pulling them, and probably they used tree trunks on flat surfaces to put the stones on top of them and move them faster. There other theories about this but I think they are too sophisticated for that time. Also, another problem was raising the stones. I think that this was solver by using the crib method because the ramp method would have taken a lot of space making it impossible to build. As well, shaping the stones was tough to do because they were big and they almost had exactly the same shape. Although I think this was done by using smaller stones until they almost the same shape. I know this would have taken long periods of time, but I think it’s the most acceptable theory. Finally, I think the reason they built it, was for the summer and winter solstice. Lots of bodies’ remains were found close to the Stonehenge, but I think that was the purpose, I think that those bodies that were buried there, were men that helped making the Stonehenge.

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