martes, 2 de abril de 2013


Dear Natalie,

It has been one week since I left home and I already miss you. I have no idea how much time is going to take for the War to end. We arrived at the trench yesterday and the situation here it’s horrible. As soon as I got here I could smell the horrible smell of dead bodies, smelly soldiers, gas, and smoke. Everyone says I’ll get used to the smell, and I hope so, otherwise I’ll die. Las night was horrible, I was trying to sleep, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Also, I couldn’t sleep because of the constant booming and banging from both sides and I sleep in a very uncomfortable bunk. I have to admit that I’m scared, random bullets firing at us, bombs exploding, every day there are men dying. Every day we are climbing the trenches to attack the enemies’ trenches hoping that I don’t get killed. I’ll always have you in my heart just wait for me to get back.

I love you,

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