martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


Most of the Latin American independence wars started as a result of Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasions to Spain. Meanwhile in one of the colony of Spain, Paraguay, all the citizens of the second category were creoles (Spanish offspring born in the colonies), which were the majority, while all their leaders were the authentic Spanish people. The creoles wanted more rights and more participation in political issues, that’s why the movements of independence started in Paraguay. It all started with battles between the Spanish army and Paraguayans, because Manuel Belgrano wanted to get the governor of Asuncion as prisoner. 

After a battle, the Spanish army got exhausted and less in number, so the Paraguayans began another attack. One of the most important events happened during this battle, the Spanish army under Manuel Belgrano tried to imitate Napoleon’s square strategy, but it was useless, and during the battle a Spanish bullet reached a drummer boy. Therefore, Manuel Belgrano ceased fire and gave up on the battle because he didn’t want any more deaths. Portugal helped Spain because they were going to give Portugal more territory. Spain had few soldiers and they had a bad organization because they were more concerned about what was happening back in Europe with Napoleon than in the colonies. After more encounters and battles, the creoles decided to take over Asuncion and surround the governor; he finally accepted to do what they wanted and Paraguay got its independence. 

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