lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013



The Clapham Sect was a leading group of Anglican anti-slavery activists. They ask the Parliament to allow missionaries into India, and in 1813, the Parliament decided to allow this. They wanted to spread Christianism in India, but it didn’t end well; this created a clash of civilizations between Christians and Hindus, and also a rebellion by the Hindus.


He was a missionary and explorer. His motto was “Christianity, Commerce, Civilization”. He was shocked to discover that slave trade was still active in East Africa. He wanted to create an active economic exchange between the British and residents of African interior that could help to replace the slave trade as a source of profit. Also, he wanted to Christianize India, but he regretted because of all the bad effects it had. Years later he accomplished his mission changing religion and commerce in Africa.


There were a lot of differences between the African and India, but the main difference was that the British were able to induce the Africans into Christianity. On the other hand, the British struggled a lot doing the same thing in India because they already had a religion and they didn’t to have a new one. Another differences that impressed the British were African sensuality, tribal practices such as, slave trade, and in India were female infanticide, suttee. 

The British army in India, British officers and native Indian soldiers are called sepoys. First of all there were a lot of differences between the British and Indians. The British were trying to turn Hindus into Christians, but they didn’t want to; therefore, they started a rebellion. Also, a rumor spread among the sepoys that their new rifle cartridges were sealed with pork and beef fat, which would be unacceptable to both Hindus and Muslims because of religious dietary prohibitions. A lot of Indians were punished and killed during this time; this mutiny was partly caused because the Christianizing process wasnot going very well.


He was an American journalist set out to find Livingstone and finally located him in Tanganyika, greeting him with the famous question, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” He added another C to Livingstone’s motto, and changed it to “Christianity, Commerce, Civilization, and Conquer” He tried to use Christianity as an excuse to conquer Africa. 

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


It means being a strong individualist, believing in the rights of other individuals, and expressing deep, intense, and  uplifting emotions. Often, but not always, it means having a deep, spiritual relationship with nature. 

It's an attempt to describe human behavior and surroundings or to represent figures and objects exactly as they act or appear in life. 


Most of the Latin American independence wars started as a result of Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasions to Spain. Meanwhile in one of the colony of Spain, Paraguay, all the citizens of the second category were creoles (Spanish offspring born in the colonies), which were the majority, while all their leaders were the authentic Spanish people. The creoles wanted more rights and more participation in political issues, that’s why the movements of independence started in Paraguay. It all started with battles between the Spanish army and Paraguayans, because Manuel Belgrano wanted to get the governor of Asuncion as prisoner. 

After a battle, the Spanish army got exhausted and less in number, so the Paraguayans began another attack. One of the most important events happened during this battle, the Spanish army under Manuel Belgrano tried to imitate Napoleon’s square strategy, but it was useless, and during the battle a Spanish bullet reached a drummer boy. Therefore, Manuel Belgrano ceased fire and gave up on the battle because he didn’t want any more deaths. Portugal helped Spain because they were going to give Portugal more territory. Spain had few soldiers and they had a bad organization because they were more concerned about what was happening back in Europe with Napoleon than in the colonies. After more encounters and battles, the creoles decided to take over Asuncion and surround the governor; he finally accepted to do what they wanted and Paraguay got its independence.