domingo, 27 de abril de 2014


I read a piece of the Koran to see how it was written, what was it about, and to make a comparison with the Bible.

From the moment I started reading it I realized that it was written in a way similar to the Bible. Also, the Koran has some similar events to the Bible. For example: it talks about a flood caused by god because some people didn't believe in god and about Noah's ark. Another example is that it talks about Mary and his son. Finally, it talks about Moses and his books; in the bible those books refer to the 10 commandments. 

Some things that I found a little different are that men are consider superior than women because it talks about restrained carnal desires except with the wives and slave-girls. Also, is that they mention seven heavens whereas in the Bible there are not seven heavens.   

In conclusion the Koran and the Bible are very similar, they both tell you that you should believe in god in order to go to heaven; otherwise you would go to hell. Also, they both agree that God is the creator of everything, and that the man was created from an essence of clay.