lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014


Avicii- Wake me up

FEEL/ing/ my /WAY/ through /the/ DARK/ness (Dactylic trimeter)
GUID/ed/ by/ A/ beat/ing /HEART (Dactylic trimeter)
I/ can't/ TELL /where/ the /JOUR/ney will /END (Anapestic trimeter)
But /I/ KNOW/ where/ to/ START (Anapestic dimeter)

They/ TELL/ me/ I´M/ too /YOUNG/ to/ UN/der/STAND (Iambic pentameter) 
They/ SAY/ I'm /CAUGHT /up/ IN/ a /DREAM (Iambic tetrameter)
Well/ LIFE/ will /PASS/ me /BY/ if /I/ don´t/ O/pen /UP/ my /EYES (Iambic heptameter)
So /that's/ FINE /by/ ME (Iambic dimeter)

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014



Once upon a time there was a cat pharaoh that was loved by all the people in Egypt. Dogs, cats, mice, and horses, they all loved him. Sometimes they used to bring him offerings like food, jewelry, and flowers. Every year, there was a day named the Pharaoh’s Day, it was the day every animal in Egypt came to huge pharaoh’s pyramid to spend all the day with him, and bring him any kind of presents, from small jewelry to huge sculptures.

      That year, the Pharaoh’s Day was coming and everything was getting ready for that day. Although the Pharaoh couldn’t everything by himself and he chose the mice to help him with the celebration. He chose the mice because there were a lot in Egypt, but the pharaoh didn’t know if he could trust on them but he had no other option. They started decorating big pyramid with different colors like blue, purple, and red. Then they continued by making a huge box for all the presents. The pharaoh was amazed by how fast the mice could work and get everything ready; they got everything twice as fast than last year. The only thing left was the food; the thing that the pharaoh was most scared of because mice loved to eat and he thought that they could eat all the food before the big day.

     The mice started cooking all the food, meat, and chicken prepared in so many different ways, also different kind of salads and for dessert they made a huge cake for the pharaoh. Once again, he was impressed by how fast they cooked everything and how delicious it looked, he couldn’t believe it. Therefore, he thought the food wasn’t going to be good, but he tried the salad. He said that it was the most delicious salad he had ever tried. Then, he tried the kitchen, and the meat, and he said again it was the most delicious meat and chicken he had ever tried. Finally, he tried the cake. He was surprised by how sweet and delicious it was, it was the most beautiful and delicious cake he had ever tried. So, he said everything is ready for the big day, my day.

     The celebration was about to start; the pharaoh was ready wearing lot of precious rocks and metals like gold, silver, rubies, and emeralds. He looked perfect for the situation and finally the guests started to arrive. The first to get to the celebration were the dogs. They came with lots of huge presents for the pharaoh because they were grateful things he had done like helping them to get water on the hot days. The pharaoh was happy as ever because of he presents and that all the dogs could have made it to the celebration. They all started saying hi to each other and hugging. Then, the horses arrived to the pyramid with big presents just like the dogs, they were so grateful because the pharaoh helped them getting food on the cold days. They started saying hi and hugging the dogs and the pharaoh. The pharaoh couldn’t be happier, and still the mice were missing. Finally, the mice arrived with huge presents just like the other animals, they said they were grateful for letting them prepare everything for the Pharaoh’s Day, they said it was an honor.

     As the celebration went on, it got better and better. They all started with the dinner and the horses and dogs were impressed by how good it was, they couldn’t believe how something could taste so delicious. After they finished with the dinner, they started dancing and talking, they were having so much fun until something unexpected happened.

     The mice locked down the pharaoh in a room because they were trying to get the power of Egypt. The pharaoh didn’t know what to do so he started to yell the mice are evil they locked me down, help me! As soon as he yelled the other animals heard and tried to helped the pharaoh. The horses started fighting with the mice, because before mice didn’t used to be very small, and the dogs tried to find the pharaoh with their good sense of smell. The horses and mice had a tough encounter, but it was about to end because the dogs had just found the pharaoh. He got out of the room and screamed so loud that his voice could have been heard in all Egypt. He was really mad at the mice because he thought they were nice animals trying to help, but he realized they did all that to try to get the power of Egypt. After he realized that, he thought the mice should be punished. Therefore, he made all the mice in Egypt very small as punishment so they couldn’t do anything evil again. That’s why mice are very small now and cats are always chasing them. 


What are important similarities between the stories? They all talk about a god, a flood, and a man that was like the chosen one and got saved from the flood.

What are important differences between the stories? They are about different religions; therefore they talk about different gods, the causes of the flood are the same on two, but on the other two are different.

What are the gods like in the different stories? In two stories they were evil because the try to destroy humanity by just saying humans were evil, in the others they seemed nice because they helped the chosen one.

What is the importance of animals in the stories? Very important because they were supposed to survive with the chosen man so after the flood they could make the world just like it was before.

What was difficult to understand about the stories? The most difficult thing was the reading comprehension because of the English is written on, also the reason why the gods caused the floods.

Why do Utnapishtim, Noah, Deucalion, and Manu deserve to survive when other people will die in the floods? I think because they were man that had a good, honest and healthy life, and they believed in god.